8 Minute Abs ( Real Time Workout )
Greetings my dear Friends,
I know you guys are ready for another Real Time Abs Workout! I was looking through the blog the other day and I’ve realized it’s been a while since my last Abs Routine, it was totally time! This routine is only 8 minutes long, quite short, so it’s perfect to add as an addition to any of your strength training workouts, either upper body or lower body. If you are going to do this routine alone, I suggest to add some cardio after, preferable a mix of HIIT cardio and light cardio ( together they are more effective ). Example, 8-10 minutes HIIT + 10-15 minute light cardio.
For all the Newbies to Loving Fit
If you are new to Loving Fit I recommend to check out ” Creating Your Workout Plan ” post. There you will be able to see how I put together my routines, and you can find something for your own fitness level. My philosophy is: Form is always more important than speed, so WATCH YOUR FORM!
Things to remember before, during and after your workout
Workout Explanation
In this routine I was using my Gymboss Timer, my My Pink Lebert , and a pair of furniture sliding discs. You can find those kind of discs for 3-6 dollars in any department store, I totally beg you not to buy them in sports stores cause there they cost 20 bucks, which is totally ridiculous! If you have wood floor or tile you can just use a towel for sliding.
You can either follow me in this workout or you can write it down and do it on your own. I personally don’t like following someone else, I like to write things down and do it my self at my own pace.
Set your timer for 2 intervals, first interval 10 sec ( rest interval ), second interval 40 sec ( max effort ), for the total of 10 rounds. There is 5 exercises and you will go through them twice.
- Reach Out Elbow Plank
- V Roll
- Slow Sliding Plank
- Hanging Bicycle ( on a Dip Station, 2 chairs, Lebert or a Pull-Up bar
bar )
- Slow Heel Touches
Have a beautiful weekend my Lovies!
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