Real Time Abs and Core Strength Workout

Jun 21, 2013 by



Hello My Loves ,

Today I have one more Real Time Abs Workout to add to Loving Fit library of workouts. This routine is under 12 minutes long, but it will be a great addition to mix in with other strength training routines.  Since this routine is real time, you can follow me along in the video or you can write it down and do it on your own.  Make sure you watch me explain the proper form of each exercise in the video.

For all the newbies on Loving Fit

If you are new to Loving Fit I recommend to check out ” Creating Your Workout Plan ” post. There you will be able to see how I put together my routines, and you can find something for your own fitness level. My philosophy is: Form is always more important than speed, so WATCH YOUR FORM!

Things to remember before, during and after your workout

  1. Warm-Up
  2. Always Practice Good Form
  3. Stretch



Workout Explanation


All I was using in this workout is my Gymboss Timer and a balance ball. This routine is in 2 parts, 1st part is 7 minutes long and consists of 2 rounds, of 3 exercises. Second part is metabolic and works your core incredibly as well, that part is 4.5 minutes long.

Part one

Set your Gymboss Timer for 2 intervals, 10/1:00 = 6 ( you will have 10 second break to get into the second exercise. There are 3 exercises and 2 rounds of each.

  • Plank & Stretch-out
  • Double Touch
  • Leg Switch and Heel Touch

Part 2

Set your Gymboss Timer for 2 intervals, 15/30 = 6
There is only 1 exercise, make sure you really watch your form, that’s why the break interval is 15 seconds.

  • Diagonal Oblique Climber Jump


Have a wonderful weekend my Lovies,



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Lebert Equalizer Total Body Strengthener

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