Workout Routines
From now on I decided to start separating “Upper Body Routines” and “Lower Body Routines” into different pages. If you go to Exercises and Workouts, then Workout Routines, you will see another window that says Upper Body Routines. I will also add a Lower Body Routines page as well.
Purrfect Abs Workout
Are you ready to look your best for the epic 2012? I am :), because I’ve slacked enough this year. In Russia we have this tradition, the way you are going to look and feel for the New Year’s Eve, this is exactly how you will spend the whole next year. I am not always the superstitious kind, but this is the tradition I seem to stick with. So this New Years Eve, I am planning on looking and feeling HOT! I hope you are too. I’ve started my mindful eating and listening to my body diet challenge and I am going to step up my game in my training room.
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As you can already tell by the name of this workout, this routine is primarily focused on the booty :). It is about 20 minutes long, 19 to be exact, and as you already know I always do about 10 minutes of moderate cardio afterwards.
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Today’s workout was 18 minutes long, interval training routine. I was focusing on building muscle so the amount of repetitions weren’t as important as the quality of the movement it self. To build muscle the exercise should be hard enough where you are able to perform 6 – 10 reps, with the last 2 reps being extremely challenging. So I tried to make sure all of my reps for each exercise didn’t exceed 10, that’s why I added more pulses on the squats and lunges and did every exercise much more slowly to create that challenge.
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